Skin: Expert Homeopathy


Anatomy of skin

The skin is the largest organ, and it is one of the most complexes. It is constantly changing, and it contains many specialized cells and structures. The main function of the skin is to act as a protective barrier that interacts with the environment and is sometimes hostile.

It also helps control body temperature, collects sensory information from the environment, and plays a significant role in the body's immune system.

Layers of skin


The epidermis is the most outer layer of the three layers of skin. Its size depends on where it is found in the body. For example, the thinnest on the eyelids (half a millimeter). It is very congested on the palms and soles of the feet (1.5 millimeters).

There are five layers of the epidermis: 

Stratum Basil: This subcutaneous layer, also known as the basal cell layer, contains basal-shaped basal cells that separate and compress old cells from the surface of the skin. As the cells move up to the skin, they collapse and eventually die and break down.

Stratum spinosum: This is a layer, also known as the squamous cell layer, the largest layer of the epidermis. It contains freshly formed keratinocytes, which fortify protein.

Stratum granulosum: This layer contains many keratinocytes that move upward.

Stratum lucidum: This layer is only found on the palms of the hands and under the feet.

Stratum corneum: This is the outer or upper layer of the epidermis. It is made up of dead keratinocytes, which drain almost every two weeks.

The epidermis contains three specialized cells:

Melanocytes produce pigment (melanin)
Langerhans cells act as the first line of defense against the skin's immune system
Merkel's cells have a vague function.


The dermis is an intermediate layer of three layers of skin. It is found between the epidermis and the underlying tissues. The dermis layer consists of connective tissue, blood capillaries, oil and sweat glands, nerve endings, and hair follicles.

The dermis is divided into two parts - the papillary dermis, which is the thinner, upper layer, and the reflective skin, which is the thicker and lower layer.

Skin size varies from body to body. Eyebrows, 0.6 millimeters in diameter. The back, palms, and soles of the feet are three millimeters thick.

The dermis has three types of tissue that are ubiquitous:

Stretched tissue
Flexible fibers
The dermis contains cells and a number of specialized structures, including:

Hair extensions
Ruling glands
Apocrine and endocrine glands
Arteries and nerve endings
Meissner's corpuscles and lamellar corpuscles transmit feelings of touch and pressure.
The Role of the Dermis of Your Body
Subcutaneous tissue
The tissues under the skin are the deepest and deepest of the three layers of skin. Most are made up of fat, connective tissue, and major blood vessels and nerves.

Subcutaneous tissue is an important part of body temperature control. It also acts as a medicine, so in case you fall or hit something with your body, it protects your inside and makes the injury less painful.

Homeopathic medicines

Acne Hepar Sulph 200 one dose in alternate days

Pickle heat/Boil/Dry skin/Peel off especially in the palm of the hand Antim Crud 200one dose in alternate days

Ringworm/EczemaGraphitis 200 two doses in a week in fixed days until a cure

Scabies Psorinum 1000 one dose in a fortnight

Rash from insectAntim Crud 6 one dose twice daily

Chloasma Sepia 200 one dose in alternate days

Wart/Corn/FelonAntim Crud 200 one dose in alternate days

Cracks/Ulcer at the corner of the mouthMerc Sol 200 one dose every day

Excessive Perspiration /Bad Smell/Water BoilAntim Crud 200 one dose in alternate days

Blister from wearing shoes Allium Cepa 30 or Arsenic Alba 200 twice daily

Peel off SkinArsenic Alba 200 twice daily

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