Back Pain | Expert Homeopathy

Back Pain


Back pain may be a symptom of a medical condition and not a diagnosis. It's ache, pain, tension that affects the muscles or bones of the rear from the bottom of the neck to the hips.


Back pain often does not have one simple cause, but can be caused by one or more of the following:

  • Bad posture
  • Lack of movement results in a stiff spine and flabby muscles
  • Muscle strain or sprain.
  • Apart from the things mentioned above, there are also specific conditions that are associated with pain experienced in the back. It is important to remember that severe pain does not necessarily mean a serious problem. Some common conditions are listed below.


As we age, the bones, discs and ligaments in the spine can naturally weaken as they age. This happens to all of us to some degree as part of the aging process, but it doesn't have to be a problem and not everyone will be hurt.

As we age, the discs in the spine become thinner and the spaces between the vertebrae narrow. Small pieces of bone, known as osteophytes, can form at the edges of vertebrae and facet joints.

The medical term for this is spondylosis, and it is very similar to the changes caused by osteoarthritis in other joints.

Keeping the spine flexible and the muscles around the spine and pelvis strong will reduce the impact of spondylosis.


Back pain is sometimes associated with leg pain, and numbness or tingling may occur. This is called sciatica.

This is caused by pressure or compression of a nerve in the spine. For most people with sciatica, leg pain can be the worst part, and occasionally they may have little or no back pain.

In most cases, sciatica is caused by a bulging disc pressing on a nerve. The discs are designed to bulge, so we can move the spine easily, but sometimes the bulge can "catch" a nerve root and cause pain that radiates down the length of the leg and foot.

Most people recover fairly quickly, although in some cases it may take several months.

Start gentle exercise as soon as possible with sciatica. It is also a very good idea to see a physical therapist.

Spinal stenosis

Sometimes back pain is associated with leg pain that starts after you start walking for a few minutes and then gets better very quickly when you sit down. This is known as spinal stenosis.

This can happen from birth, or it can develop as we age.

Problems arise when something presses on the small space in the middle of the spine where the nerves are. This space, called the spinal canal or nerve root canal, can be pinched by bone or ligament.

The pain usually gets better when you sit down and rest, and some people find that they have less pain when they walk with a little stoop. Like sciatica, leg pain rather than back pain tends to be the main problem.

In most cases, sciatica or spinal stenosis is not a serious problem. However, if your symptoms are causing you a lot of trouble and are significantly affecting your quality of life, you should see your doctor for advice and to discuss what else can be done.

Other causes

Bone problems such as fracture - often associated with thinning of the bones known as osteoporosis
Inflammation, for example in the condition of ankylosing spondylitis.

Management / Exercise /Relief

You will need enough space to lie on the floor, a gym mat or a soft spot, a small towel, a rope, or a belt, and ten minutes a day.

Low look: Lie on your back with your right leg straight. Hold your left knee to your chest with your hands behind your thigh. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Side of the hip stretch: Lie on your back with your right leg straight down. Bend the left leg up to the chest. Hold the left knee with both hands and pull the leg up and down the body towards the right shoulder. Feel the stretch out of your left hip. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Front of the body lightener: Lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders, and your elbows bent. Push to raise your arms/chest by stretching your arms as far as you can while keeping your hips against the floor/floor. Hold for ten seconds, then remember to breathe.

Ahead of the hip stretch: Kneel down with a towel with your left knee and place both hands on your right thigh and bend in front of you. To keep it straight, move the hips forward until you feel a stretch in front of the upper left thigh. Do not allow the right knee to pass the right foot. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

Back of thigh enlightened: Lie on your back. Put a folded towel under your lower back. Keep your legs straight. Put a rope or belt around the heel of the right leg and gently lift the straight leg until you feel it stretch out behind the thigh. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

Full background: Lie on the floor with heels near the buttocks. And gently lift the buttocks and lower back down to the thighs and back to the straight line. Hold for ten seconds, then remember to breathe.

Lower back strengthening: Lie on your back on your knees with your heels close to your buttocks. Reach hands between thighs. You inhale and gently bend your head and shoulders until the shoulders drop to the floor. Hold for ten seconds.

Abdominal position: Lie down on the left side with legs bent at the waist and knees. Raise the head over the shoulder until the left shoulder leaves the floor. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Total back strengthening: Lie down, arms outstretched. Exhale and gently lift the shoulders and chest to the enemy/floor. Hold for ten seconds, then remember to breathe.

A tip to lower back release: Lie on your back with your knees bent, your heels close to your buttocks, your shoulders relaxed, and your arms outstretched at the sides. Slightly lower your left knee, then gently bend your hips and lower your back. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat on the other side.


Physical therapy can be helpful in improving your strength and flexibility. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to treat back pain. A physical therapist can help oversee your exercise program and recommend specific exercises to help you.

Manual therapies, sometimes called "hands-on" treatments, such as manipulation and mobilization of the spinal joints, along with exercise, can help lift the spell of back pain. These manual therapy techniques are usually performed by osteopaths, chiropractors and physical therapists.

These therapies may not be suitable for all back conditions. Talk to your doctor if you're thinking about trying one of these. And don't forget to explain your condition to the therapist.

Homeopathic medicines / Treatment

Arnica: This medicine helps any sort of backache that comes on after a back injury or overexertion. The pain gets worse with motion. The patient feels better when the person lies down and rests.

Ledum: Useful when the person experiences stiffness within the back, especially after sitting still for an extended time. Back pain becomes worse in the dark.

Mag Phos: Helps sharp pains within the back that recover from warmth and pressure.

Rhus tox: Here is pain that comes at the beginning of a motion, but gets better with continual motion. Pain feels as if the rear is broken.

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