Are you suffering from Leukemia !

Leukemia or blood sarcoma, somebody say blood cancer misnomer, term of a group of diseases in which there is an uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal white blood cells. It is presumed that leukemic disorder are essentially a form of cancer that attacks the tissues in the bone marrow, spleen and lymph nodes that manufacture white blood cells or it is an abnormal, excessive and irreversible proliferation of leukopoietic tissue in different part of body with or without its affect on blood stream.

ALL: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
AML: Acute Myeloid Leukemia
CLL: Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia
CML: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Many patients are suffering from blood sarcoma, even in children, we can see this disease. It is very unfortunate for regular blood transfusion and medication, ultimate death.

Acute leukemia

Predisposing factors
  1. Ionizing radiations: Unintentional exposure to nuclear sources: People in X-ray department not properly protected. Radiation therapy(foetus exposed to X-ray will be more prone to leukemia)
  2. Chemical agents: Chloramphenicol, phenyle butazone, insecticides exposure.
  3. Hereditary.
  4. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia generally constituent 80% of all acute leukeaemic, age 3-10 years. AML generally affects adults.
Leukemic process may affect lymphocyte or monocyte cells series. The capacity of cells to multiple increases while the capacity to mature decreases.
Because of myeloid hyperplasia the M:E ration is altered. Other cell production is reduced. There is decreased formation of RBCs, platelets.

Signs / Symptoms
  1. Rapidly advancing anemia, fever
  2. Bleeding tendency may be internal or external
  3. Purpura, ecchymosis P
  4. Susceptible to upper respiratory infection
  5. Sore throat, coughs, pain chest
  6. Severe pallor, fever
  7. Moderate liver and spleen enlargement
  8. Tenderness over the bones and hypertrophic gums
  9. Skin shows: cutaneous hemorrhages


Blood for CBC shows:
  1. Normochromic anemia
  2. Increased normoblasts and reticulocytes
  3. Prolonged bleeding time
  4. W.B.C more than 50000 / cu mm
  5. Platelets diminished
  6. Immature W.B.C 30 to 90%

Bone marrow picture:
  1. M:E ration altered, myeloid hyperplasia
  2. In all terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TDT) is present in 98% of cases. B antigens percent are CD9, CD10, T cell. All is confirmed by presence of CD2, CD5 and CD7.

The prognosis varies in different leukemia. IN acute lymphatic leukemia prolonged remission and cure are known to occur in 50-70% of the children, younger the child better is prognosis.
Bone marrow grafting is known method of treatment in these leukemias.

Chronic leukemia

Chronic myeloid leukemia
  1. Signs / Symptoms
  2. It occurs in middle age, equally in males and females
  3. Onset is gradual
  4. Loss of weight, anorexia, pallor, difficulty in breathing 
  5. Dragging discomfort in lift upper quadrant of abdomen
  6. Attacks of acute left upper abdominal pain
  7. Hemorrhages
  8. Pain over different bones
  9. Advancing anemia
  10. Massive spleen enlargement which is stony hard but not tender
  11. Slight lymph glands enlargement

  1. Blood picture: Normocytic, normochromic anemia
  2. W.B.C 50000 to 500000 / cu mm, consisting entirely young polymorphs and myelocytes
  3. Thrombocytopenia in later stages

Chronic lymphatic leukemia
It is a malignant proliferation of B-lymphocytes

Signs / Symptoms
  1. Occurs in late middle age 45-75 years
  2. More in males
  3. Onset insidious, often diagnosed accidentally
  4. Enlarged painless lymph nodes all throughout the body
  5. Mild splenic enlargement
  6. Recurrent respiratory infection due to altered immunity
  7. Liver may be enlarged
  8. Hemolytic anemia
  9. Skin lesions
  10. BMR raised
Stage 0 -    Lymphocytosis
Stage I -    Lymphocytosis with lymphadenopathy
Stage II -   Organomegaly
Stage III -  Anemia
Stage IV - Thrombocytopenia

  1. Blood for CBC shows
  2. Mild anemia, often hemolytic type. W.B.C upto 500000 / cu mm
  3. Lymphocytes: 95% of small variety
  4. Platelets fall below 100000 / cu mm

  1. Blood transfusion
  2. Rest
  3. Nutritious food

Some homeopathic medicines are very effective

Arsenic iodied
Picric acid
Natrum muriaticum
Ferrum picricum

Homeopathy believes in constitutional treatment in this case.

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