Essure birth control: Procedure, Effectiveness, Side effect

Essure birth control

Introduction (Expert Homeopathy: Dr. Anutosh Chakraborty)

Essure aims to provide women with permanent birth control. The root of inserted through the vagina and cervix into the fallopian tubes. The procedure does not require skin surgery or general anesthesia.

Essure is not suitable for anyone if anyone is unsure about ending your birth, can only be inserted, or conceived within the last six weeks, tied to tubes, have active or recent pelvic infections, or has a known allergy to dye comparisons.

The health care provider inserts soft, flexible coils into the fallopian tubes - tubes that carry eggs from the uterus to the uterus. Within about three months, tissue forms surround the implant. Tissue formation creates a barrier that prevents sperm from reaching the eggs, thus preventing pregnancy. Essure is considered a permanent birth control method and is therefore not intended for removal.

Two economics studies, one of which has used Essure as an office procedure, suggest that Essure can be more expensive than laparoscopic (surgery performed on the abdomen or waist with small pieces (usually 0.5-1.5 cm) with the help of a camera. It can be used to diagnose and evaluate the condition or surgery) bilateral tubal ligation.

Since 2013, the product has been the subject of much controversy with women complaining of serious side effects leading to surgical removal, and the Erin Brockovich campaign hosts a website where women can share their stories after performing the procedure.

The procedure of insertion:

This procedure takes about 10 minutes, [citation needed] for a qualified doctor to do so and can be done in a doctor's chamber. [citation needed] General anesthesia is not required. Apart from this, some women reported severe pain during the procedure.

A small, flexible implant is inserted into the fallopian tubes via a catheter transmitted from the vagina through the cervix and uterus. The material contains internal polyethylene terephthalate fibers to create an inflammatory reaction and is held in place by a flexible steel coil and an internal nickel-titanium alloy coil. Once in place, this device is designed to stimulate internal and internal tissue growth within three months to form closures or blockages in the fallopian tubes; a built-in tissue barrier should prevent sperm from reaching the egg.

Unlike other types of tubal ligation, there is no need for general anesthesia or abdominal cutting. As with other methods of birth control, initially, additional methods of birth control should be administered for three months to prevent pregnancy until the method is guaranteed.


Essure aims to provide women with permanent birth control. The root of inserted through the vagina and cervix into the fallopian tubes.  The procedure does not require skin surgery or general anesthesia.

Essure implants do not contain or release hormones.

Essure installation is done at the doctor's office and can be completed in 10 minutes. Recovery time is not long. Most women return to normal activity within a day or two after the procedure.

Essure is currently the only approved or abolished, non-surgical contraceptive for women seeking permanent birth control in the United States. To see how Essure compares with other types of birth controls, you can look at product placement.

Risks / Side effects:

Short-term risks to patients include:

During the Essure placement procedure and immediately following, patients may experience moderate to moderate pain. Immediately following the procedure, patients may also experience congestion, vaginal bleeding, discomfort in the waist or back.

Long-term risks to patients include:

1. Unintended pregnancy, including ectopic pregnancy.

2. Physical pain

3. Essure migration is carried out through the fallopian tubes to the abdomen and lower back

4. Inflammation of the uterus or fallopian tubes

5. Rash and itching associated with allergies to nickel

While scientific evidence shows that Essure is the most effective method of contraception when health care providers and patients follow the proper instructions for use, no form of birth control works 100%.

The Agency has received reports of fetal complications including miscarriages in pregnant women following the introduction of Essure. 

Women who have undergone Essure placement are more likely to become pregnant outside the womb (ectopic pregnancy). Currently, clinical studies and individual cases of infertility failure reported in the scientific literature have not shown an increased risk of complications of childbirth or pregnancy when pregnancy is in the womb following the introduction of Essure. The FDA will continue to monitor Essure's safety to ensure that the benefits of providing women with a non-invasive method of contraception continue to outweigh its risks.

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