Homeopathy vs Allopathy

Homeopathy vs Allopathy

Homeopathy disease concept (Expert Homeopathy: Dr. Anutosh Chakraborty)
a) Dynamic concept of disease Homeopathy regards disease ad primarily a dynamic derangement of vital force by some morbific dynamic influence causing disagreeable sensations and irregular functions which are expressed outwardly through the material body as signs and symptoms, the totality of which constitutes, therapeutically, the disease. Homeopathy regards all the structural changes in the body as the end result of the disease process.

b) Cause
Homeopathy regards bacteria, parasites, etc. as the end-products of morbid vital processes and they come as “scavengers” of disease. That means when the vital force is weak, then only it can affect the body or immune system. If we strengthening the vital force, there is no question of infection.

2. Holistic concept of disease
Homeopathy accepts the concept of the biological whole. Not a particular organ – not the liver, not the kidney, not the brain in diseased but the man as a whole is diseased because none of the above organs have their separate existence in the body. In health, all the organs are functioning harmoniously being animated, controlled, and coordinated b vital force for the betterment of the organism. When the vital force is deranged that chain of harmony is separated and disease results.

3. Individualistic concept of disease
Homeopathy considers every disease to be essentially an individualistic deviation from health. As there are no two individuals exactly alike in a state of health, so diseases also differ, according to age, sex, constitution, predisposition, temperament, exciting causes, etc. Hence homeopathy disapproves of dividing them into different diseases according to common symptoms of the disease.

4. Classification of disease
Dr. Hahnemann classified diseased according to the clinical standpoint, not on the duration of suffering.
Acute: Individual, Sporadic, and Epidemic.
Chronic: Due to chronic miasm- Psora, Syphilis, Sycosis.

5. Therapeutic approach
a) Being guided by the dynamic concept of disease. Homeopathy treats the deranged vital force to restore a healthy state. Hence homeopathy treats the diseased person, to the disease itself.
As vital force is dynamic, hence is correct it, homeopathy uses potentized medicine which caused total annihilation of disease. Potentization brings medicine to the dynamic plane so that, it acts on the dynamic vital force which is dynamically deranged.
As vital force is dynamic, hence is correct it, homeopathy uses potentized medicine which caused total annihilation of disease. Potentization brings medicine to the dynamic plane so that, it acts on the dynamic vital force which is dynamically deranged.

b) Very a minute amount of medicine is administered in this system because it is dynamic medicine.

Allopathic disease concept

a) Allopathy considers diseases as the sum-total of structural and functional changes in the body caused by some infection of bacteria, parasites, etc. They accept nothing but what can be felt with the fingers and seen with the eyes or by improved instruments.

They ignore the animating vital force, which is a responsible force for the physic-chemical changes taking place in the body.

b) Cause
Allopathy believes in the material causes of disease. They regard bacteria, parasites, and viruses, etc., which infect the person and cause disease.

2. Concept of local disease

Allopathy concentrates its attention on the particular parts of the organism and misses the whole. So it associates disease with particular parts of the body i.e., tissues and organs. They call that the liver is diseased, the kidney is diseased. Hence their motive is to treat the particular diseased parts ignoring the whole.

3.Generalised concept of disease

The trend of orthodox medicine is to generalize diseases and classify them according to the nosological schema, i.e. labeling certain groups of a common symptom of disease by a name like typhoid, pneumonia, etc.

4. Classification of diseases

Allopathy is classified as diseased according to the duration of suffering, rate of progress, the system involved and pathology, etc. They divided disease as:

Chronic: This is slow in progress and has continued for a long time.

5. Therapeutic approach

a) Being guided by the materialistic view of disease, allopathy attempts to kill or remove the causative bacteria, parasites, etc., in order to cure diseases. Hence they treat the results of disease, though the interior of man remains disease as before, sometimes worse than before.

b) They use material doses for killing bacteria, and also in the treatment of several diseases.

Homeopathy (Expert Homeopathy: Dr. Anutosh Chakraborty)

Word meaning: ‘Homeos’ means ‘similar’, ‘alike’ and ‘pathos’ means ‘suffering’; ‘disease’.

Axiom: ‘Similia Similibus Curantur’ Which means ‘likes cure likes’

Definition: Homeopathy is a method of curing the suffering of a person by the administration of a drug that has been experimentally proved to possess the power of producing similar sufferings in healthy human beings.

Founder: The ‘Law of Similar’ was known to the medical world since antiquity. But Dr. Hahnemann was the first who applied this law in the field of therapeutics i.e. in the treatment of diseases in a systematic way.

Drug proving on healthy human beings: Homeopathy tries to ascertain the action of drugs by proving them on healthy human beings who are able to communicate their subjective symptoms to the experimentalist.

Individual remedy for individual patients.

Curative mode of treatment: Thousands of observations support that homeopathy is the only curative mode of treatment among other systems of medicines the world has ever seen.


Word meaning: ‘Allopath’ means ‘dissimilar; heterogenous’ and ‘pathos’ means ‘suffering’; ‘disease’.

Axiom: No fixed principle

Definition: Allopathy is a system of therapeutics which has no fixed relation between drug and disease. In some places, it prescribes the medicine bearing opposite relation, sometimes similar relation(unknowingly), and sometimes without any established relationship between drug and disease. So it is a heterogeneous mode of treatment.

Founder: It has no particular inventor. It has originated from empirical methods

Drug proving: Animal and laboratory experimentations: The orthodox school tries to ascertain the action of drugs through animal and laboratory experimentations, hence the drugs used are unknown as regards their specific action on human beings.

Specific medicine for specific diseases

Non-curative mode of treatment: From different observations, it is very much clear that this mode of treatment can not cure diseases, rather palliate, suppressor complicated in the long run. Thus the diseases become worse than before and become incurable as daily experience shows.

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