Risk of infection in "Aarogya Setu" app means!

Risk of infection

This is a most valuable question about the "Aarogya Setu" app. We find the result as low to high risk,

Actually, the "Aarogya Setu" app gives information, what you put about your present physical condition. If you provide wrong information, the app shows wrong, if you provide correct information, the app will show right as per pre-scheduled automated input.

Tracking means, if you installed an application with Bluetooth on, this app says the countings in the area, which is already provided by someone like you.

So, this app does not provide correct information, except for the data scrolling above. This scrolling data has given update Covid 19 situation as per record. That record may be wrong. Because there are many people are affected by CORONA on daily basis, but recovered automatically due to body immune system.

So. the justification is:

This application does not need to download to see the regular corona index.

The data of the application may not be correct.

When you provide your present health condition, it gives data accordingly.

"No infection" indicates, the data you have given in the application is not indicating infection.

"Low-risk infection" indicates, the data you have given in the application indicating infection as per pre-scheduled data input in the application. For example, Your neighbor was affected by corona.

"Moderate-risk infection" indicates, the data you have given in the application indicating more to low infection. For example, You work in a place, there some people affected by covid 19, but not near you, or you do your work in covid 19 situations, or you have some seasonal disease but not due to corona.

"High-risk infection" indicates, the data you have given in the application indicating, you come from abroad in your present country, you have Diabetes M, or Chest infection, or any major diseases. you are suffering from corona-like symptoms etc.

For more details, please see my website for precautions and treatment (Expert Homeopathy: Dr. Anutosh Chakraborty)

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