Infectious Disease Prevention Tips: Influenza, August diseases

disease prevention

Incident(Expert Homeopathy: Dr. Anutosh Chakraborty)
According to the city’s July infectious disease epidemic monitoring results, the incidence of Class A and Class B infectious diseases in the city continued to be at a low level, and the epidemic situation was stable. 
There were no major epidemics of infectious diseases and epidemics. The hand, foot, and mouth diseases in Class C infectious diseases were related to The characteristics of the national epidemic situation are similar, and the epidemic situation has declined.
As the city is still in the summer high-temperature season in August, combined with the seasonal characteristics of the onset of infectious diseases in this city, August is not only a season for intestinal infectious diseases such as bacillary dysentery, typhoid, and paratyphoid fever, infectious diarrhea, hand, foot, and mouth disease, etc. It is also a season for Japanese encephalitis, dengue fever, malaria, and other vector-borne infectious diseases, influenza, and acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis. The Municipal Health Bureau reminds the general public to do a good job in preventing these diseases.
To prevent intestinal infectious diseases such as bacillary dysentery, you should avoid drinking raw water, drink boiled water; eat well-cooked food; develop a good personal hygiene habit of washing your hands before meals...
  • To prevent hand, foot, and mouth disease, it is necessary to develop good personal hygiene habits, so as to "wash hands frequently, eat cooked food, drink boiled water, ventilate frequently, and bask in the sun." Classrooms and other places are clean and ventilated.
  • To prevent acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, in addition to good personal hygiene habits such as frequent hand washing, barbershops, bathrooms, swimming pools, and other industries should implement effective disinfection measures.
  • To prevent the occurrence of influenza, it is necessary to frequently open windows for ventilation.
  • In order to prevent Japanese encephalitis and other vector-borne diseases, mosquito control and anti-mosquito work should be done in the summer.
Citizens who have symptoms of intestinal infectious diseases such as fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, high fever, headache, vomiting, cramps, stiff neck, orbital pain, muscle pain, joint pain, bone pain, skin rash, splenomegaly, and other Japanese encephalitis Symptoms of vector-borne infectious diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, and symptoms of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis such as high fever, headache, sore limbs, fatigue, flu-like symptoms and jealous, severe foreign body sensation, photophobia, tearing, increased secretions, etc. should be promptly Seek medical attention.

Knowledge of Infectious Disease Prevention in August
a) Pay attention to the hygiene of food and drinking water in summer to prevent the occurrence of intestinal infectious diseases such as bacillary dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid fever, and infectious diarrhea,

Bacterial dysentery is an acute intestinal infectious disease caused by Shiga and other Shigella bacilli. Clinically, it is manifested as abdominal pain, diarrhea, mucus, peptone, or pus and blood in the stool, accompanied by tenesmus, fever and other symptoms may occur in some cases, and toxic bacillary dysentery may occur in severe symptoms. The disease is spread mainly through water, food, and daily contact.

Typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever are intestinal infectious diseases caused by typhoid fever and paratyphoid bacilli. The clinical manifestations are persistent high fever, abdominal discomfort, hepatosplenomegaly, roseola, and relatively slow pulse. The disease is mainly spread through water, food, and life contact; summer and autumn are the epidemic seasons; the prevalence age is students and adults.

Infectious diarrhea is an intestinal infectious disease caused by bacteria such as Salmonella, pathogenic Escherichia coli, hemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Vibrio para-haemolyticus, rotavirus, norovirus, and other viruses and parasites. Clinically, the main manifestations are abdominal pain and diarrhea. The frequency of diarrhea is generally less than 10 times a day. In severe cases, it can reach dozens of times a day. Stool characteristics commonly include loose stools, watery stools, watery stools, and mucous stools. Some cases may be accompanied by symptoms or signs such as fever, nausea, vomiting, and dehydration. Poor drinking water, eating habits and behaviors, poor personal and family hygiene are the main causes of infection among citizens.

Since August, the city is still in the high-temperature season, and it is also a season for intestinal infectious diseases such as bacillary dysentery, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, and infectious diarrhea. Citizens should pay attention to food and drinking water hygiene, and avoid drinking raw water and boiled water. ; Eat safe and hygienic food, avoid unclean and unhygienic food; develop good personal hygiene habits such as frequent hand washing. Collective units such as kindergartens should strengthen food hygiene management and provide safe and hygienic food, do morning inspections, find patients in time, and isolate and treat them in time.

b) Pay attention to personal hygiene and prevent epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis and hand, foot, and mouth disease.

Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (commonly known as pink eye) is an infectious disease caused by enterovirus 70 and Coxsackievirus A group 24 variants. The incubation period of the disease is very short, from several hours to 2 days, usually 1 to 2 days, and it usually occurs in both eyes one after another or at the same time. Clinical manifestations are eyelid and conjunctival edema, eyelid, bulbar conjunctiva, middle and high hyperemia, common spot and flaky subconjunctival hemorrhage, accompanied by severe foreign body sensation, eye irritation, tearing photophobia, and other irritation symptoms. Early secretions are watery. The spread is mainly through contact, such as sharing towels, handkerchiefs, bath towels, etc.; summer and autumn are popular seasons, of which August-September is the peak of the epidemic; preventive measures should be taken to wash hands frequently, wash your face without using public towels, and rub your eyes without hands. Personal hygiene habits; strengthen management, disinfection, publicity, and education in industries such as haircuts, bathrooms, swimming pools, etc.; once people with similar symptoms are found, they should seek medical treatment in time, and isolate and disinfect at home.

Hand, foot, and mouth diseases are caused by enteroviruses such as the Coxsackie virus and enterovirus 71. It is a common infectious disease mainly caused by hand and foot skin herpes and oral mucosal ulcers. The clinical manifestations are mainly spots on the hands, feet, and skin. Papules, and turned into herpes, may be accompanied by symptoms such as low-grade fever; the disease is mainly spread through contact with contaminated hands, towels, handkerchiefs, teacups, toys, bedding, etc. or through the digestive tract or respiratory tract; the targets of infection are mainly childcare, School-age children.

At present, this city is still in the season for hand, foot, and mouth disease, and clusters of disease are likely to occur in collective units dominated by children and students. The preventive measures must remember to "wash hands frequently, eat cooked food, drink boiled water, ventilate frequently, and get in the sun"; childcare institutions that open summer classes should strengthen the morning check-up system, early detection, and early isolation of sick children; strengthening the ambient air in classrooms, rooms, etc. Circulate and keep the air fresh; do a good job of disinfection and isolation of daily childcare institutions (toys, tableware, toilets, etc.); carry out hygiene promotion and cultivate good personal hygiene habits.

c) Pay attention to preventing mosquitoes and mosquitoes in summer to prevent the occurrence of Japanese encephalitis, dengue fever, and malaria.

Japanese encephalitis, dengue fever, and malaria are all acute infectious diseases transmitted by mosquitoes. After the human body is bitten by a mosquito carrying Japanese encephalitis virus, dengue fever virus, or plasmodium, after the incubation period, the patient may develop persistent high fever, accompanied by headache, vomiting, disturbance of consciousness, cramps, neck stiffness, and other epidemic encephalitis symptoms.

There may be symptoms of dengue fever, such as fever, chills, fatigue, headache, orbital pain, muscle pain, arthralgia, bone pain, skin rash, bleeding tendency, etc. there may be periodic regular episodes of chills, high fever, sweating and antipyretic, Anemia, and splenomegaly. The most common season for Japanese encephalitis, dengue fever, and malaria in this city is from July to September, of which the peak period of Japanese encephalitis is still in early August. Citizens should pay attention to anti-mosquito and anti-mosquito work; if there are suspected symptoms of Japanese encephalitis, dengue fever, or malaria, they should seek medical attention as soon as possible to avoid delaying the disease and losing the opportunity for treatment.

d) Pay attention to indoor ventilation, develop good personal hygiene habits, and prevent influenza. 
Flu is a respiratory irresistible infection brought about by the flu infection.

The main clinical manifestations are high fever, headache, sore limbs, fatigue, and upper respiratory tract catarrhal symptoms. According to the results of the city’s monitoring of influenza for many years, there is a seasonal peak of influenza in the city every summer (from late July to late August).

In terms of preventive measures, citizens should pay attention to keeping the temperature at 25-27°C when using the air conditioner indoors, and open windows frequently for ventilation; develop good personal hygiene habits of washing hands frequently; maintain regular life and get enough sleep; If you have influenza-like symptoms, you should seek medical treatment promptly.

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