Why we go for Homeopathy | The only real science

It is very curious question that why we would consider the homeopathy for my treatment. Somebody say about homeopathy that it is nothing but Placebo effect, then why should we take the kind of treatment for our own disease! It is a big question before the world.
Actually we are the people, don't go inside the knowledge.  We see or collect those thing which are found around us. And believe on the materialistic property, and rest of the world are the hypothesis. We see we have the proof in our hand but we cannot proceed for the confined knowledge. The universe, is a big mystery.  We don't know what can be done in the universe in every second but we demand, we feel proud and misbehave with that the nobel pathy which is the actual treatment and science as well as art in the world.



There are two kinds of strength. 
1) materialistic strength or power
2) dynamic strength or power 

Homeopathy believes the dynamic power, the inside power. And it is called the vital force of a living body. It is that kind of force which have the controlling power the whole materialistic subject.
In the other hand, others in medical science believe on the materialistic subject or power only.

Dr Hannan said, the bacteria and virus is not a disease. The disease is the whole sign and symptom expressing by a subject, together collectively known as disease. Bacteria or virus is only a symptom of the disease. 

We go and run the back of the bacteria virus, and believe the exact cause of disease is bacteria and virus and we have to find out,  which kind of virus cause the disease under microscope. Dr Hahnemann, being an allopath,  didn't allow these type of contradictory theory. He understood that, this type of knowledge not only the bad concept of treatment, but also it can turn the patient in danger condition.

If we find the sign and symptom expressing by the subject he said, definitely, there is a remedy for that condition. If we say the incurable disease, that type of disease doesn't express any kind of sign and symptoms outwardly. So if we got some symptoms from the patient, that should not be called as an autoimmune disease or incurable disease.

There are many diseases that don't show any kind of bacteria and virus under a microscope, like cancer, arthritis, headache, neuralgia, psychological disorder etc.

So this kind of diseases don't have any specific treatment except the consolation. The main concept for other mode of treatment is only diversity of mind for the patient. Here the question of Homeopathy. Weather the only question of sign and symptom for homeopathic mode of treatment and prescribe easily the medicine with the help of Materia Medica, the medicine corner.

Homeopathy can treat anything except purely surgical case like fracture or anything where the only choice of remedy is the surgical intervention.

Finding off bacteria or virus or materialistic body, which are probably the causation of disease thinking by so called others mode of system of medicine, that is a fake logic on the medical science. They claim they are only physician for the human in the world. But basically, homeopathy is only the science for treating a disease. If it is not true, then antibiotics can arrest the single bacteria rather than the whole! When they charge antibiotics, it destroy the all bacterias in the human body. And the patient got Asthesia. Sometimes many side effects arise from the other parts of the body and they control the patient by consoling, it is caused by another new bacteria aur virus.

Thank you.

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